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(FOTO) Ce a făcut actorul Orlando Bloom 2 zile în Republica Moldova
25 Martie

La o lună de la începutul războiului din Ucraina, Ambasadorul Bunăvoinței UNICEF, Orlando Bloom, a vizitat Moldova pentru a întâlni copiii și familiile care fug din Ucraina ca refugiați, transmite CURENTUL.

În timpul călătoriei sale de două zile, Bloom a vizitat un spațiu „Punct Albastru” (Blue Dot) susținut de UNICEF în Palanca, spațiu, care oferă odihnă și sprijin femeilor și copiilor care traversează frontiera din Ucraina în căutarea siguranței.

„Am întâlnit o mamă în momentul când a ajuns la punctul de trecere cu cei trei copii ai săi. Ea mi-a spus că ei au fugit din Ucraina aseară după ce casa vecinilor lor a fost bombardată și că erau prea speriați ca să mai rămână”, a spus Bloom. „A fost sfâșietor să văd această familie și atât de mulți alții trecând frontiera după călătorii lungi, cu doar câteva bunuri și neștiind unde se va termina călătoria lor”.

UNICEF și UNHCR, în parteneriat cu guvernele și organizațiile societății civile, au înființat trei „Punctele albastre” în Moldova, de-a lungul rutelor cheie pentru refugiați. Aceste spații sigure unice oferă informații familiilor care călătoresc, ajută la identificarea copiilor neînsoțiți și separați de familiile lor și asigură protecția acestora împotriva exploatării, fiind un centru pentru servicii esențiale.

De la începutul războiului din 24 februarie, peste 1,8 milioane de copii au fugit din Ucraina, iar zeci de mii au trecut în Moldova. Mulți refugiați își continuă călătoria în alte țări, în timp ce aproape 100.000 – jumătate dintre ei copii – au rămas în Moldova cu familii gazdă, voluntari sau în centre pentru refugiați administrate de guvern.

„Amenințarea urgentă și foarte reală în adresa copiilor refugiați din Ucraina crește în fiecare zi. Copiii care călătoresc neînsoțiți sunt adesea vulnerabili la trafic și exploatare, deoarece fac călătorii lungi și grele”, a declarat Reprezentanta de Țară UNICEF în Moldova, Maha Damaj. „UNICEF lucrează non-stop în Moldova pentru a oferi copiilor și familiilor servicii de îngrijire psihosocială și protecție pe măsură ce trec granița pentru a-și găsi siguranță.”

În timpul călătoriei, Bloom s-a întâlnit și cu mai mulți copii și familii la centrul de refugiați Moldexpo din Chișinău, unul dintre cele peste 100 de centre din Moldova unde refugiații pot dormi, accesa servicii medicale și juridice și pot lua mese calde înainte de a-și continua călătoria.

La centru, Bloom s-a întâlnit cu o familie din cinci persoane care a fugit din Ucraina la începutul acestei săptămâni, îmbrăcată doar în hainele pe care le purtau și cu o sumă mică de bani. După ce a sosit în Moldova și a petrecut cinci nopți la Moldexpo, o familie locală s-a oferit să-i găzduiască până când vor completa actele pentru a merge mai departe.

„Multe familii și copii cu care am vorbit nu și-au părăsit doar casele, ci și școala, prietenii, membrii familiei și aproape tot ce aveau. Ca tată, îmi pot imagina supărarea și confuzia pe care trebuie să le simtă”, a adăugat Bloom, care a vizitat și estul Ucrainei împreună cu UNICEF în 2016. „Punctele albastre” înființate de UNICEF la frontieră sunt un prim punct de oprire, vital pentru mamele disperate, care caută un răgaz și un loc sigur unde se pot juca copiii.”

UNICEF a avertizat recent despre riscul sporit de trafic și exploatare, deoarece milioane de copii fug de război, iar mulți alții sunt strămuți în interiorul Ucrainei. Ca răspuns, UNICEF și partenerii extind „Punctele albastre” în țările care găzduiesc refugiați, inclusiv Moldova, Polonia, România și Slovacia, și fac apel la guvernele din regiune să ia măsuri pentru a menține copiii în siguranță. Aceasta include consolidarea controalelor de protecție a copilului la punctele de trecere a frontierei.

On Wednesday 23rd March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom talks to children at Moldexpo centre in Chișinău, Moldova. Mr Bloom was here to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.    During the two-day trip, Bloom visited two of the three UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” spaces in Moldova, where women and children stop for rest and support as they cross the border from Ukraine in search of safety. “The Blue Dots set up by UNICEF on the borders are a vital first stop for mothers desperately looking for some respite, and a safe place for children to play,” said Orlando Bloom.    UNICEF and UNHCR, in partnership with governments and civil society organizations, have set up three “Blue Dots” in Moldova on key refugee routes. The one-stop safe spaces provide information to traveling families, help to identify unaccompanied and separated children and ensure their protection from exploitation, and are a hub for essential services.

On Wednesday 23rd March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom talks to children at Moldexpo centre in Chișinău, Moldova. Mr Bloom was here to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.    During the two-day trip, Bloom visited two of the three UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” spaces in Moldova, where women and children stop for rest and support as they cross the border from Ukraine in search of safety. “The Blue Dots set up by UNICEF on the borders are a vital first stop for mothers desperately looking for some respite, and a safe place for children to play,” said Orlando Bloom.    UNICEF and UNHCR, in partnership with governments and civil society organizations, have set up three “Blue Dots” in Moldova on key refugee routes. The one-stop safe spaces provide information to traveling families, help to identify unaccompanied and separated children and ensure their protection from exploitation, and are a hub for essential services.

On Wednesday 23rd March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom (left) talks to a "Blue Dot" worker at Moldexpo centre in Chișinău, Moldova. Mr Bloom was in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing Ukraine war. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.    During the two-day trip, Bloom visited two out of three UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” spaces in Moldova, where women and children stop for rest and support as they cross the border from Ukraine in search of safety. “The Blue Dots set up by UNICEF on the borders are a vital first stop for mothers desperately looking for some respite, and a safe place for children to play,” said Orlando Bloom.    UNICEF and UNHCR, in partnership with governments and civil society organizations, have set up three “Blue Dots” in Moldova on key refugee routes. The one-stop safe spaces provide information to traveling families, help to identify unaccompanied and separated children and ensure their protection from exploitation, and are a hub for essential services.

On Wednesday 23rd March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom (left) talks to a  "Blue Dot" worker at Moldexpo centre in Chișinău, Moldova. Mr Bloom was in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.    During the two-day trip, Bloom visited two out of three UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” spaces in Moldova, where women and children stop for rest and support as they cross the border from Ukraine in search of safety. “The Blue Dots set up by UNICEF on the borders are a vital first stop for mothers desperately looking for some respite, and a safe place for children to play,” said Orlando Bloom.    UNICEF and UNHCR, in partnership with governments and civil society organizations, have set up three “Blue Dots” in Moldova on key refugee routes. The one-stop safe spaces provide information to traveling families, help to identify unaccompanied and separated children and ensure their protection from exploitation, and are a hub for essential services.

On Wednesday 23rd March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom talks to a family at a "Blue Dot" centre Moldexpo in Chișinău, Moldova. Mr Bloom was in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing Ukraine war.  Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.  This "Blue Dot" centre is one of more than a 100 centres in Moldova where refugees can sleep, access medical and legal information, and have hot meals before continuing their journey. Valerii (37), his wife Veronika (27) and their three children Artiom (9), Maksim (7) and Bogdan (2) fled Ukraine and spent five days at the refugee centre before going to stay with a host family in Floreni village, Moldova. Their host, Igor Hincu, has welcomed over 20 refugee families in his home since the war started. Around two thirds of the 370,000 refugees that have come to Moldova since the star of the war stay with locals who open up their homes to those seeking refuge.

On Thursday 24th March, 2022 at the border crossing between Ukraine and Moldova at Palanca UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom talks to a mother and her son.  Mr Bloom is in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.

On Thursday 24th March, 2022 at the border crossing between Ukraine and Moldova at Palanca UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom talks to a mother and her son.  Mr Bloom is in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine.

On Thursday 24th March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom talks to a child at a  UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” centre in Palanca, Moldova. Mr Bloom was in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine. During the two-day trip, Bloom visited a UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” space in Palanca in south-west Moldova, where women and children stop for rest and support as they cross the border from Ukraine in search of safety. “The Blue Dots set up by UNICEF on the borders are a vital first stop for mothers desperately looking for some respite, and a safe place for children to play,” said Orlando Bloom.   UNICEF and UNHCR, in partnership with governments and civil society organizations, have set up three “Blue Dots” in Moldova on key refugee routes. The one-stop safe spaces provide information to traveling families, help to identify unaccompanied and separated children and ensure their protection from exploitation, and are a hub for essential services.

On Thursday 24th March, 2022 UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom interacts with children at a UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” centre in Palanca, Moldova. Mr Bloom was in Moldova to meet refugee children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war on 24th February, more than 1.8 million children have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced inside Ukraine. During the two-day trip, Bloom visited a UNICEF-supported “Blue Dot” space in Palanca in south-west Moldova, where women and children stop for rest and support as they cross the border from Ukraine in search of safety. “The Blue Dots set up by UNICEF on the borders are a vital first stop for mothers desperately looking for some respite, and a safe place for children to play,” said Orlando Bloom. UNICEF and UNHCR, in partnership with governments and civil society organizations, have set up three “Blue Dots” in Moldova on key refugee routes. The one-stop safe spaces provide information to traveling families, help to identify unaccompanied and separated children and ensure their protection from exploitation, and are a hub for essential services.

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